Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Hot Summer Day in NC

Today, you helped the neighbors wash their truck and boat. You love your neighbor, Emma. You introduce her as “your best friend, Emma.” She’s so sweet to you.
         Here’s some photos of y’all today:
There’s sweet stinky Winnie in the second picture. She’s Nana’s “rescue dog”. Nana adopted hera few years ago. 
Speaking of pets, here’s our pet! 

BBs real name is Herbie
She is the sweetest, most loving cat on planet Earth. When I lived in Salt Lake City back in 2014, I went to the Humane Society and asked them for the oldest animal they had because I knew nobody would adopt it. They gave me Herbie. This cat is so loving and is not like any other cat I’ve everencountered. When you were a baby, you’d grab her fur or tail and she didn’t even seem to mind. She loves you so much. 

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Soooo emotional...

Today was so funny! You and I made photos of different emotions and you were hilarious! You were so good at showing your feelings!