Saturday, September 10, 2016


 Hi Sylvie!!! Mommy loves you so much.
 I just wanted to tell you what's been happening recently. I got a promotion at my job and a raise. And guess what? Nana comes to visit on Wednesday next week! You love your Nana so much, and she adores you. 

 Anyway, since last making this website, I rented an apartment for us. You are almost 7 months old now! What a big girl! You are so cute. You've learned to sit up, roll over, and your almost crawling. I'm sure you would have been crawling by now but Mommy doesn't let you on these hardwood floors.

This is before you could 
sit up on your own:

This is now:

Soooo emotional...

Today was so funny! You and I made photos of different emotions and you were hilarious! You were so good at showing your feelings!