Friday, December 29, 2017

Hi little goose!

Hi little goose!

Mimi loves you so much. You really are the sweetest baby. You love to hug and you have the cutest little voice.

You say "All done." when you're done eating or just bored and want to move onto something else. You say "Shoe! Shoe!" (like a train, but 'shoe' not 'choo') And you say "One, two, fee, five!" Haha never four. Gosh, I sure do love you. You are such an amazing little girl. You will go so far.

Here's a few pics of us this holiday season, we are always together and I love every second of it!

Soooo emotional...

Today was so funny! You and I made photos of different emotions and you were hilarious! You were so good at showing your feelings!