Sunday, November 26, 2017


My, how time flies.

Since last updating this, I bought us a house in Salt Lake City, then after living there a year, sold it and we moved to Asheville, NC to be with Nana.

We really are awesome little goose. We drove 2200 miles across the country with BB's (our 16 year old cat) and pulling a U-Haul. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty tough. But I never could have done it without you. Did you know that you're not even 2 yet and you've been to 12 states?! 😲

Here is us before we left Utah:

When we made it to TN we had to wait on Nana's house to be ready so we stayed with your cousins, the Stanford's. We stayed there for a month and had to entertain ourselves. That's not hard having you around! Everyone loves you so much.

We're all settled in Asheville, NC now.

Here's a few things about the little girl I love so dear:
  • You love Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger
  • You call me, Mimi, instead of Mommy. I don't mind, I kinda like it :)
  • You are very social and love to play with other kids.
  • You're pretty much the opposite of me when I was little. You aren't scared of anything. Constantly doing flips and scaring me to death.
  • You aren't even 2 yet and you can count to five. You're going to be so smart!

Soooo emotional...

Today was so funny! You and I made photos of different emotions and you were hilarious! You were so good at showing your feelings!