Monday, April 4, 2016

Sylvie Blue, I love you.

This blog is dedicated to my Sylvie ☀️ Sunshine
aka Sylvie Meredith Olterman

My name is Bonnie Kate and I'm 36. I never thought I would have a child. ...But on Feb 22nd 2016, Sylvie Meredith Olterman entered this world. She's beautiful, bright, and always smiling. She's my ray of sunshine.
Anyway, I love my little girl so much, I often get scared something will happen to me and I won't be there to watch her grow up. So this blog is to let my Sylvie know how much I love her. 

 Sylvie Blue, I love you. 💕

Soooo emotional...

Today was so funny! You and I made photos of different emotions and you were hilarious! You were so good at showing your feelings!